By NWL’s original technologies, its compact design is strong against electrical and mechanical impact caused by electrostatic precipitator’s operation and strong against damage.
· Secondary voltage (T/R Ourput Voltage) : 0 ~ 100kV
· Secondary current (T/R Ourput Current) : 0 ~ 4000mA
The function of high voltage step-up transformer is to Increase the voltage from the low voltage supply to the high voltage required. NWL Pacific’s unique design distributes electrical and mechanical stresses incurred in the electrostatic precipitator operation to prolong the life of the equipment.
Because of sparking and consequent short circuiting in the precipitator, current must be limited to protect the T/R set. When a SCR controller is used as the voltage regulating device, it must also be protected from adverse short-circuit conditions. The main T/R has a large reactance wires, it does not need separated CLR in tank or in the SCR controller cabinet.
To insure optimum reliability, NWL Pacific’s minimum rating for high voltage rectifiers is 190KIPIV. NWL Pacific’s standard full wave T/Rs have combined reliability with service ability in its “T-Pack” design. This modular “T-Pack” is a patented assembly that consists of the rectifier, divider and air core inductor (choke). This modular packaging technique is of a rugged construction to allow for rough shipping or handling of the equipment prior to installation. This entire module can be easily removed should servicing be required.
One air core inductor is installed in series with each high voltage DC output bushing to limit high frequency capacitance discharge current surges generated during sparking in the load
The single bushing arrangement described can be mounted on either the top or side of the tank. (60, 75, 100kV)
The T/R set has some accessories and safety switches to check with supervising..
6-1) Oil Temperature Indicator (Dial Type)
6-2) Oil Level Gauge (Small Size)
6-3) Pressure Relief Valve (4psi)
6-4) Thermostat (with contact)
6-5) Oil Level Switch (with contact)
6-6) Pressure Switch (with contact)
The T/R set has the earth switch to protect the person with two type.
7-1) Internal Earth Switch : The operation handle is at outside but earth switch is at inside. The operation is very simple with easy and this switch also does not need separated HV Protective Cover and low-priced is merit.
7-2) External Earth Switch : The operation handle and switch are at outside. The operation also is very simple with easy but this switch must be separated HV Protective Cover. The operator can see point of earth and this is merit but price of this switch is higher than Internal Earth Switch. Above switches can install separated “Key Interlock” in addition.
89-20, Shingiyangchon-gil, Seowun-myeon, Anseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea. Copyright By NWL Pacific Inc All right Reserved
Tel : 82-31-672-6240~5 | Fax : 82-31-672-6246 | E-mail :